Be part of Victorian Law Week

Information to help you register your Victorian Law Week 2025 event.
Submit your event

Thinking of running a Victorian Law Week event?

Victorian Law Week is a chance to help Victorians understand their rights, find answers to their questions, know what help is available and how our legal system works. And we can’t do it without you!

A huge statewide program

Over 20,000 Victorians engaged with Law Week in 2024, attending events and viewing publications, and over 1.2 million were reached through social media.

Running an event is a great way to connect with the community. There are many ways to get involved and support is available to help make the most out of your event.

So, get a cup of tea and some brainstorms brewing, and start thinking about what you can put in the 2025 program.

When law meets life

Victorian Law Week 2025 is a time for Victorians to learn what to do when law meets life, where to get help and find out more about the law.

The law can intersect with life in many ways. It can be to do with your home, work, relationships, where you are or what your buy. Sometimes it’s easy to deal with, or it can be difficult. It can feel distressing or help you feel safe.

We are calling for in-person, online or on-demand events to help people:

  • learn how the law helps with everyday problems
  • understand your rights and get legal help
  • explore the justice system and how the law works.

Event submissions are now open.

By letting us know early about your event, you’ll get the most of our support in helping to shape and develop your idea.

Key dates

  • Event submissions close: 21 March 2025
  • Program released: 7 April 2025
  • Victorian Law Week: 19 – 25 May 2025

Support available to event organisers

We recognise that our event organisers are the subject matter experts – you are best placed to understand your audience and their needs. As a result, we leave the planning and promotion of your Victorian Law Week activity up to you.

Victoria Law Foundation provides support to help ensure your activity is as effective as possible. This includes developing your event, guidance on promotion and tips on running your event. We have a toolkit to help you with guides and resources.

Get in touch if you would like help to develop your idea or register your interest to get the latest from us with more about running an event in 2025.

Event criteria

To be accepted into the Victorian Law Week program, your event must meet our criteria.

Events must:

  • take place within Victoria
  • improve the Victorian community’s understanding of the law or the legal system
  • be designed for individuals or small businesses
  • be open to the public.

Feel free to email us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your idea to make sure it fits with these criteria.

Please note that the following activities do not meet our criteria.

  • Events where the primary audience is people working in the legal sector.
  • Events about recruitment and career progression in the law.
  • Events only open to people employed at a specific workplace.

Charging for events 

In the spirit of Law Week, it is our preference and tradition that all members of the community are able to participate without charge. 

If you need to charge a fee to cover the operating expenses of your event, please note that this amount must not exceed $25.00 per ticket.

Considerations for free legal advice consultations

When determining appointment duration, please allow sufficient time to obtain instructions and provide meaningful preliminary information or advice during the appointment.

Event submission checklist

Below is a checklist of everything you’ll need to complete our registration form.

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Your activity meets our event criteria

Your activity meets our event criteria

Your activity meets our event criteria

To be accepted into the Victorian Law Week program, your event must:

  • take place within Victoria
  • Improve the Victorian community’s understanding of the law or the legal system
  • be designed for individuals or small businesses
  • be open to the public.

The full event criteria

Icon: Check box - ticked

Read our privacy statement

Read our privacy statement

Read our privacy statement

We take your privacy seriously. When collecting and storing information as part of Victorian Law Week, we will follow the principals set out in our privacy statement.

Icon: Check box - ticked

Event details

Event details

Event details

This information will be displayed on your event listing in the program and in promotional material. The blurb contains your event name, description and the learning outcomes of your event.

When writing, consider your target audience, including appropriate language and what will make them want to attend your event.

Consider your choice of words

It’s easy to assume that the language you use every day is generally understood, but that’s not always the case. For example, ‘family law’ is an industry term, while words such as ‘divorce’ or ‘relationship breakdown’ are much more easily understood by much of the community.

We might edit your blurb for clarity. We’ll let you know if we do this.

Event name (3 - 5 words)

Make your event name short, sharp, catchy and easy to understand. Make sure you use terminology that your target audience understands. For example, the term ‘elder abuse’ may be understood by aged care workers, but not necessarily by older people themselves.

Event description (100 words)

Tell us about your event and the people you are running it for. A sentence or two describing the purpose of your event and the value for people in attending.

Also add what attendees will learn about the law or the legal system by attending your event. This helps when thinking about the impact of the event in helping people to understand and access the law.

Feature image

We’ll use this image to promote your event. Choose an image that illustrates your event subject matter, or perhaps reflects your target audience.

Event image guidelines
  • No logos.
  • You have the rights to use the image.
  • Dimensions: 1200 x 800 pixels.
  • Files must be less than 3MB.
  • Format: JPG or PNG.

Format and location

Indicate if your event will be in-person, live online (such as a webinar) or pre-recorded (on-demand).

The region will help us target our media and promotion to specific parts of Victoria. If running an in-person event, let us know the venue and the address.

Number of event sessions

Some Victorian Law Week events are run on several different days or at different times across the week. If your event is delivered multiple times across the week, let us know when the start and end times are for each session.

Accessibility measures

We are committed to access and inclusion for all people. We strongly encourage Victorian Law Week Event Organisers to consider what they can do to enable full participation by all people in their event.

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Event booking details

Event booking details

Event booking details

Each Event Organiser is responsible for the ticketing and booking of their event. We ask you to provide the best way people will reserve their place or book tickets to the event.

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Public contact details

Public contact details

Public contact details

We ask for ways to contact you in case we have questions about your event submission.

These contact details will be displayed in your event listing on our online program. It’s there so that people can contact you if they have questions about your event.

Alternative public contact

The public contact is usually the Event Organiser. If there is an alternative contact person, you can add them.

These contact details will be displayed in your event listing on our online program. It’s there so that people can contact you if they have questions about your event.

Submit your event

Submitting your event means you will:

  • be part of Victorian Law Week
  • have your event in the 2025 program
  • be eligible for help to promote your event.

The information you provide in the submission form will help us create your event program listing and promotional collateral.

Event submissions close Friday 21 March

Before you start the form

To complete the event submission form you’ll need to have a pretty good idea of who your event is for and what your event is going to provide.

We are calling for in-person, online or on-demand events to help people learn what to do when law meets life, where to get help and find out more about the law.

Remember to:

Event submission form

The event submission form will open in a new page. The form has a few parts and should take you 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Event submission form

Want to know more?

Get in touch if you have any questions about Victorian Law Week and how you can be involved.
Contact us