A week to learn more about the law

Victorian Law Week is a state-wide program of events that makes learning about the law easy.
2 People standing talking

Why Law Week?

Victorians need access to vital information about their legal rights and responsibilities. Law Week helps people find this information and learn how to act on it.

Victorian Law Week events help people to understand their rights, find answers to questions, know what help is available and learn how our legal system works.

A state-wide program

More than 100 events take place across both metro and regional Victoria. Some of events are in-person and some run online.

Whether it’s a webinar to help you navigate divorce, an in-person session to help you prepare a will, or a discussion on workplace discrimination, there’s bound to be an event that could help you.

A local approach

Law Week is a national initiative, but it’s run separately in each state. In Victoria, it is managed by Victoria Law Foundation.

Our role is to promote Victorian Law Week as a whole. However, events and activities are run by a range of organisations, including community legal centres, government bodies, community organisations, law firms, courts and tribunals – and many more.

Keep up to date

Get the latest about Victorian Law Week through our occasional email updates.