As well as planning your event, you’ll need to make sure people know about it so they can attend! We have prepared the following guide to help you prepare, promote and present your event.
Our tips and checklists are broken down by sections, so you can use it by following the sections or referring to them as needed.
We recommend that you explore the entire Toolkit, even if you have had an event in a previous Law Week. Our toolkit is updated every year with new helpful tips and guidance to support your event.
You can download a PDF of this document to keep it handy between now and Law Week.
Law Week is a national initiative, but it’s run separately in each state. In Victoria, it is managed by us, Victoria Law Foundation.
Our role is to promote Victorian Law Week as a whole. We manage the program, but we don’t run the events ourselves. That’s where you come in.
If you have any questions about this toolkit, its content, or have any other queries, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Follow these steps to ensure your event is as great as it can be and to keep your promotion in progress and reaching the right audience.
Each guide has advice to get the best results, resources to download and checklists to keep you on-track.