The day of your event is when all the preparation you’ve done through this Toolkit meets real-time action. We recommend following these basic steps below for a smooth running of your event.

Two people at a community event, looking over some brochures.

Morning of

The day is finally here! This is the time to check that everything is ready to go.

In person

Make sure to triple-check all technology systems, ensure staff know their roles and responsibilities, and set up registration areas. If you’ll be collecting written feedback or running an activity, make sure that what attendees need such as pens are available.


We recommend any presenters and staff to log into the webinar software early to triple-check the technology. This includes making sure you can share your screen, turn your camera on, and connect your mic. Also consider where you are streaming from. Do you have a reliable connection? Is the lighting going to make your skin glow? Will there be noise interrupts, such as from pets or disturbances will you present?

Unfortunately, minor issues can come up at any point throughout the event, so it's important to be able to engage attendees in real time to handle unexpected challenges. Especially if you’re hosting an event online, we recommend having a dedicated support person or tech wizz in the webinar address technical issues or attendee questions.

Event begins

The nerves are setting in now! But don’t fret. You have gone through this entire Toolkit and are fully prepared to host a great Law Week even  

In person

Monitor attendee flow, using a system to check-in your attendees such as paper forms or an app. Make sure to be friendly, open and helpful. Guide attendees into the room ready for the presentation.


Make sure that you have your presentation ready to go. If you’re recording the event, this is a good time to check that little red dot is on. Provide information to attendees about how the session will run, including where they can submit any questions.

Event concludes

Don’t forget to collect any feedback! Now’s the time to evaluate the success of your event through your goals and reflect on the how the event ran and what your learned. You may want to post photos of your event on social media and share any recordings or information with your audience. Consider sharing photos and resources with any registrations who couldn’t make it.

Lastly, we would love your feedback on the experience of hosting a Law Week event. Keep a keen eye out for an email from us.

A group of people, seated, in the audience of an event.

Need more help?

If you have any questions about this toolkit, it's content, or have any other queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us
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