Life as a union lawyer

Ever wondered what the life of a union lawyer looks like? Look no further, we've got the event for you. Join us for a night of legal networking
In person
In person
In person
In person
Past event
Past event
People, places and change
People, places and change

Event information

Ever wondered what the life of a union lawyer looks like?

Look no further, we've got the event for you. Join us for a night of legal networking.

You will have a chance to mingle, network and hear about the experience of three former union industrial officers and their career pathways to where they are now.

There will be guest speakers to kickstart the conversation, including Justice Adam Hatcher (President, Fair Work Commission), Elyane Palmer (Principal Lawyer, Migrant Workers Centre) and Amanda Threlfall (Assistant Secretary, Victorian Trades Hall Council).

There will also be a special Tour of Trades Hall from 4.00 pm.

Presented by

Young Workers Centre
Fair Work Commission
The Migrant Workers Centre

Event recording

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We’d like to thank the organisations whose generosity has enabled us to produce Victorian Law Week 2024.



21 May